mandag 25. mars 2013

Little gluten update

So we are now on our Easter holiday trip going down to Strømmen and Oslo
Had a quick stop in Kvam at my grandparents house.
To be polite Eric had some cake with his coffee.
About 45 min after he got a heartburn.
So from being off gluten for so long he is now starting to notice every time he has bread products he gets a heart burn. Something he used to get pretty much everyday since he was a kid. Since going paleo ( most of the time ) he might have had it 5-10 times when eating bread and maybe if he has too much coffee.

søndag 24. mars 2013

Lettuce wraps with friends

Nice evening with friends
Eric had all the stuff prepped when I got back from gym and getting my nails done:)
Such a good man he is :) all I had to do was to peel apart the lettuce :)
Guðrún, Tinna and Bill all seemed to enjoy the food.
Nice to enjoy time with friends :D

My birthday dinner

Reindeer meat balls with mashed carrots and beets, broccoli cauliflower and carrots and salad with kiwi, lemon and grapes

My dad showed up as a surprise, that was really nice.

Been getting so many birthday wishes from all over!
It's nice to see all the different names and think about these people and how I meet them. Many people I wish I could still see everyday!
Got phone calls from people here in Norway in Canada and from Italy :)
People who has known me my whole life and people I've just known for a few months.
Sending you all lots of love :)

Nice new watch for my birthday:)
And a bracelet

fredag 22. mars 2013


Mountain fish from Oppdal. Made by Eric
Mashed carrots with butter
And brusselsprouts
Very good dinner and Jonas ate so much that he even got a great after.
Coconut cookies that we made the other day, some dark chocolate 86% he loves it
Some grapes and blueberries and a couple of nuts
Happy kid
His favorite part of the dinner was the crispy fish skin

torsdag 21. mars 2013


With carrots and broccoli. Of course made in butter
And onions on the side too:)

Awesome dinner and no need for the starches.

onsdag 20. mars 2013

Pizza night

Pizza night with the girls at work:)
An other carb load after a hard/fun kettle bell class.
Has gluten free pizza :)
Fun day today. Lots of laughter.

søndag 17. mars 2013

Carb back loading

Home made gluten free pizza.
Ate way too much.
Well lets see how this carb load does ;)
Had a good Tabata work out before, sono dont feel guilty at all.
Good night

lørdag 16. mars 2013

Want tacos?

After a perfect day snowboarding.
I went and picked up the groceries for lettuce wraps.
Came home and Eric took care of all the cooking...
I just made some guacamole.

Put onions garlic and carrots with the meat, both beef and turkey
(And yes I ate both, I'm starting to enjoy the meat, but finding that my stomach, not so much....)
Guacamole with avocado, tomatoes, garlic, onion, cilantro, lime juice, salt and pepper

Two different kinda greens
Sour cream

And a glass of wine.

torsdag 14. mars 2013

Love cooking

Tonight I had Guðrún and Tinna over for dinner.

Made mango salsa with turkey prosciutto on some crispy salad

And then the Curry, coconut chicken :)

Watched a move and chatted :)

Good times with good company

Made a pig pot so have lots of left overs for Eric and Jonas for tomorrow night so then I will take a picture and post of the done meal.
Forgot that, ops.

Also posting a picture of Jonas' breakfast and my lunch
Easy ;)

tirsdag 12. mars 2013

Gluten free pasta

Made gluten free spaghetti for Viktoria tonight.
With ground turkey ragu.
Simple dinner tonight as I'm still not back to 100% and I'm to exhausted to do too much cooking.

mandag 11. mars 2013


Mix if everything I had in the fridge.
Some salad, hummus, a burger platter, avocado, tomatoes and sour cream.
Sometimes it's nice to clear out the fridge

søndag 10. mars 2013


Today my grandparents came to visit.
We had lapskaus that my grandma had made. Was very good and it was the first time I've has it since starting to eat meat again.
Forgot to take a picture.
Still in a daze here as we are still struggling with the flu:(

lørdag 9. mars 2013

Study time

No food blogging today. We are all sick and low appetite, so just been eating what ever when ever pretty much

Now for some reading.
Have learned so much about food so why not learn about the body too ;)

Sofa time

fredag 8. mars 2013

Gluten free pasta.

Been a long time since I've had pasta. And it was delicious.
Eric and Jonas had everything ready for when I came home.
We are all sick with the flu so some comfort food felt awesome.
Now for some red wine and testing out Netflix with my man ;)

torsdag 7. mars 2013

Prawns and salmon

Tonight we had prawns and salmon with some leftover mashed cauliflower and carrots from the other day and some broccoli:)
So tasty

onsdag 6. mars 2013


Eric started prepping this food last night, marinating the chicken:)

This morning he made the hummus, with chickpeas, red lentils, onions, pepper and garlic. Yeah I know this is not in the paleo food list but once in a while I find these treats are ok.
And I do not regret eating it at all!
It was probably the best meal I have had in a long time, a taste I have longed for!
Normally you would make a donair in a bread wrap. But Eric put it on a nice bed of salad with different greens.
If its not all paleo atleast stay away from the gluten, right?
Already looking forward to my leftover lunch tomorrow :)

Night night friends

Sunshine breakfast

Eggs, onions and smoked salmon
Thanks babe!

tirsdag 5. mars 2013


Forgot to take a picture of the dinner tonight.
Eric made cod with mashed cauliflower and carrots with butter and salt
Green salad on the side :)
Very good and very filling

mandag 4. mars 2013


Salmon burger on a bed of fried onions with an egg and some greens.
Easy after a hard kettle bell work out.

This morning I had a kefir/berry smoothie

Kefir is my new thing right now.

søndag 3. mars 2013

Love burger ;)

Made up a whole lot of burgers today
ground turkey with peppers and onion
Salt and pepper

Instead of bread we use iceberg lettuce as that seems like the best lettuce to wrap in.

Nice to make a lot so now we have enough for lunch tomorrow and some went in the freezer for some other time :)

lørdag 2. mars 2013

Spicy chicken wings

Yum! Wings and some of the veggies from yesterday.
It's Saturday so also having some extra treats ;)
Gym tomorrow!!

Been crazy windy here today so we have been outside all day! But got the last piece of the kitchen built:) awesome

fredag 1. mars 2013

Lettuce wraps with chicken

Cut up some raw veggies and there you go. Wrap up that chicken yum!

Gluten free tasty beer

Eric found gluten free beer in Trondheim
And it actually tastes pretty good too:) or what do you think Eric?