tirsdag 9. september 2014

Food and people

Well here is a little from the kitchen again. So hard to keep up with the kids, family friends and just having  summer time fun

Now that it's fall it's so easy to get the freshest veggies.
Top one here I used the chard from Carmen's garden
Mixed all my different herbs from my garden into my ground chicken and when can you go wrong with thick cut bacon? 
Mission meat shop guys. Right up the hill on Stave Lake! Go there! Local and so tasty.

Using lots of turmeric lately as a flavor but also for the anti inflammatory purpose. 
Gotta do all I can to figure out this shoulder pain. Doing lots of stretches, massaging with balls and using a bar over my head rolling my shoulders back all the way to my butt, what ever that thing is called again. To much to remember. 

Yesterday I finally got some time to listen to some podcasts again. So energizing and have so much catching up to do. Time will come :)

And today I saw a stays update from a Facebook friend of mine that she is 1 day into paleo. So I sent her a text just telling my story, so we texted a bit. Cool to hear why others get into it. 
And then maybe be a help or support if needed

Two others have also contacted me over the summer, both I have blogged about. 

First the one I put on a full paleo plan in January, she saw big results but fell out of it because of moving, changing towns new life pretty much. But now she is settled down and is back on it and after 3 weeks she is again seeing big results. Crossing my fingers for a longtime result :)

The other lady was my client in the salon she is cutting more and more down slowly and seeing slow but BIG improvements. 

Two very different spiracles but both big big results. 

Happy to help even if it's just a few. 
We need to kill this epidemic 

Tonight we had fantastic BBQ ribs with a nice fresh cilantro-avocado salad 
Cilantro is one of my favorite herbs 
And guess what it's good for you too :)

Here are some geeky facts about cilantro if you wanna read
Took this from http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/277627.php

Consuming plant-based foods of all kinds has long been associated with a reduced risk of many lifestyle-related health conditions. Many studies have suggested that increasing consumption of plant foods like cilantro decreases the risk of obesity, overall mortality, diabetes and heart disease while promoting a healthy skin and hair, increased energy and overall lower weight.

Natural preservative: Because of its high antioxidant content, oil extracted from the leaves of cilantro has been shown to inhibit unwanted oxidation processes when added to other foods, delaying or preventing spoilage. Cilantro leaves have also been found to have an antibacterial effect against Salmonella.

Lead detoxification: Cilantro has been found to suppress lead accumulation in rats, which gives promise for the use of cilantro to combat lead and other heavy metal toxicity. Because of its chelation abilities, cilantro is also being studied as a natural water purifier.

The antimicrobial and heavy metal chelation factors of cilantro have led to its recent use in many "detoxification" juices and drinks.

So there :)

Anyways good day in Hatzic

Miss my neighbors tho

Good night 

onsdag 3. september 2014

Plantain muffins

Last night instead of going to bed early I made plantain muffins. 
Used paleo moms recipe. Google it :) how ever I made a mistake and got a baking powder explosion in my mix. Fished most of it out, but still had a bit too much so I added to a bigger recipe with some almond flour also used cardemom 

So now me an Jonas are gonna go crazy on these. I love the discovery of plantains in my kitchen. They make muffins and pancakes easy! 
Both recipes from paleo mom 

mandag 1. september 2014

Kelowna tomatoes

People leaving the park, leaving us food

Lillian gave us a nice salmon that I dressed up with tomatoes from Venke and Peters garden. Put some parmagian cheese on it heat them up for the last ten minutes. So good!

Had champagne at the neighbours cabin before dinner while Jonas watched Shreek. 

Had a nice picnic over at the school with Janet. Jonas biked all the way there without training wheels 

Not the best picture but I'm trying to learn kipping so using anything I can hang from as a tool :) 
It's fun, but hard to figure out. Practice practice 

Now sofa time for me and myself 
