søndag 30. november 2014

Antiboitics Probiotics Christmas starting

Made an other batch of Kombucca 
Even made one with Gløgg flavor, a Norwegian Christmas drink. 
Wonder how it's gonna taste....??
Trying to give Jonas some as he is taking antibiotics,thankfully they seem to help, as I'm not a fan of needing to take medications. So trying to help by giving him probiotics to help rebuild gut bacteria . 
Antibiotics kills the bacteria, but not only the bad bacteria, it also kills our good bacteria. So giving some probiotics should help a little....
Makes sense no? 

Also finished the kids advent kalendar for tomorrow.

Feeling proud of my self, think he will be happy :) Tired mamma.

Watched our first Xmas movie today with Jonas, can you guess which one it is??

Well it's tea time then bed time

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas :)🎅🎄🎁

torsdag 27. november 2014

Sushi time

Last night I made a nice sushi meal for me and Eric. 
And he was so happy
Buying sushi done in the store here is not quite the same.
Took me about an hour but when you get so much happiness and appreciation it's so worth it

Love sushi

lørdag 8. november 2014

So good!!


Made my own Larbar type bars. 
One cup if dates 
One cup cashews 
1/4 cup coconut (shredded)
And some 70% chocolate chips. 
Wish I could find darker, as they are a bit to sweet, but maybe next time I'll just put in 86% and cut it up my self, easy enough 
Can't wait to have Jonas try these

Recipe from how to eat like a dinosaur 

onsdag 5. november 2014

Waffle taste test

Today Jonas and I made two kinds of waffles, we used the plantain pancake recipe and the frozen waffles recipe from Eat like a dinousaur book
Both turned out really good :) 
Used different things on
Goat cheese both brown and white
Home made strawberry jam 
Homemade strawberry cream ( butter, my strawberry jam and agave )
Sour cream 
And coffee on the side.
Enjoyed some nice outside time today. Jonas tested out the first snow, not too great yet, but kids have fun

mandag 3. november 2014

Some snacks

Apple tidbits with cinnamon, xylitol and cocoa powder. Put in dehydrator for about 18-20 hours then they have the perfect crunch. Jonas loves these :) 

Also got my shipping today :) ordered on Thursday night last week. 
Got my arrowroot flour as I can't find it here and ordered a box of Lärbars. One happy kid there too
Favorite treat from Canada 

søndag 2. november 2014

Kokebanan (Plantains)

Finally, thanks to the helpful people at coop Oppdal, I can now make plantain pancakes again :)

Bought frozen strawberries and warned then up with some agave 
To make it a little sweeter

So good and so easy 

Recipe from PaleoMom 

lørdag 1. november 2014

Cauliflower pizza crust

Probably the best pizza i have had in a long time.
Eric made the pizza crust earlier today.
With cauliflower and eggs and different pizza spices. Baked it first and then we when we came back from our movie day while I feed and put little dude to bed, Eric and Jonas made the wickedest pizza.
I think pretty much everything was on this pizza, Ground pork with added liverwurst ( as the liverwurst I made the other day was too gamy to my taste, but I know it is good for me so we added it in the meat...), pepperoni, parmegiano, mozzarella, shrimps, olives, tomato sauce....it was awesome.
How ever I think next time we will try to bake it on a pizza stone... gotta get one of those tho
Next purchase :)