torsdag 26. desember 2013

Christmas breakfast

Instead of inviting for dinner we desided to invite some friends for breakfast 

Everyone brought a little something or actually people brought a lot of food. Soooo much food! 

Thanks to everyone 

lørdag 14. desember 2013

Pizza night, gingerbread house and meatballs

Productive Saturday night. First we made pizza for dinner. Jonas like making his own pizza and then he gets to choose what he wants to eat too.

Then we decorated our gingerbread house and ate candy, it's December so we are taking it all out ;) 

Then Eric and I made meatballs for Christmas Eve, and more to freeze ;)
Feeling good about my Saturday 

fredag 6. desember 2013

Home made sushi

Okay so I did buy one box of sushi, just to see the difference between taking the time to make it our selfs 
And man is it worth it, making it your self
We have a book with explaining how to make the rolls 

Wasabi, ginger, gluten free soy sauce, sesame seeds

We only got salmon but wanna try with more things if we had the right place to buy it.

Eric and I both had lots of fun making this meal, fun to make cooking into a date

tirsdag 3. desember 2013

Tricked my self to eat liver :)

As most of us know liver is good for us, specially when pregnant. But the taste for me is something I just can't get used to.
So today we made a pic pot of stu, about one kilo of ground meat. 
And maybe 100 grams of liver.
For veggies we put in yams, carrots, onions, zucchini and tomatoes. Used tomato pate and some feta cheese for sauce. It was delicious and I could not taste the liver as is was chopped up very small.

Try hiding food in food it really works and I can probably end up adding bigger and bigger amounts :)

søndag 1. desember 2013

Chinese food

Beef and broccoli 
With Asian flavoring like sesame seed, ginger and gluten free soy sauce.

Turkey with carrots and broccoli and some Asian flavoring too. 

All so good