onsdag 11. juni 2014

24 mistakes....


Just wanna post this link. 
24 mistakes people make on a paleo diet. 
Was reading this today and I can totally say I've been slacking and doing several of these mistakes on the last while. I still think I'm doing ok, but can't say I've been strict with my paleo. 
But getting more and more back into it now.
Here is a picture if our fantastic dinner 

Moose steak in garlic onion and olive oil. 
Fried in lots of butter, making a delicious gravy
Potatoes pre boiled then cooled down again. Think I remember being told that that process "kills" some of the starch stuff that is bad for us.... Without being 100% sure in remembering correctly. I basically just remember it was a better way of eating potatoes if eating them at all. 

So gonna try to skim down my mistakes. 
Feel so much better when I'm on track 
Specially in these busy days 

Love from Oppdal :) 

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