mandag 28. juli 2014

Update from Canada :)

Been a while since I've written a blog now. To update a bit. I've tried twice but both times it's shut down after writing a lot and I got frustrated and diet want to spend more time on it. But now I feel like I have some time to give a little update.
We are doing so many things here and getting stuff done. It's hard to believe we have been here for a month now. It scares me how fast it has gone by. Still have so much left, but already starting to think about going home and have to say I don't know where I feel the happiest. All I know is that we are so lucky to have all these wonderful people around us in two places to make us be able to call two places home.

Jonas is growing and enjoying life so much, playing with his friends and always making new ones.

Johan is smiling so much and getting exited about the world around him.

Eric is working and keeping busy all the time with his job, the cabin and family.

I'm busy with cabin and family stuff. Enjoying life 

Went for The Paleo Moms book signing in Vancouver with Carmen and baby 

Did a first aid class at the park. For DEA

Keeping on track with heathy eating. It is so much easier when we are around people that follow the same food ways as we do in some form. Some strickter, some less, but all understanding and eating clean with us. It's awesome.

Jonas helping daddy fix a leak in the kitchen sink

Getting times at the beach and elsewhere to relax 

 Cuddles with my baby 

Family outings. Here to Crecent beach

In the office with daddy.

Getting stronger. Playing with favorite toy Tussi

Got my very first bow, I kick ass btw ;)

Picking blackberries and making good deserts 

Good times with family around a Hatzic fire

New workout gear to get motivation ;)

Water park fun

And horseback riding with Janet from across the street.

Yes we are having a great time. 
Enjoying life with friends and family.
Okay well now the mosquitoes are getting to me so gotta pack it up laying in the field earthing. Try it out folks. Google it. 

Today's hardest choice

So went to do the big grocerie shop today. Go to get eggs....
Now you get all these signs telling you about the chickens/eggs quality. And the prize difference is huge! 
So what do I pick? What is cheapest and will feed my family for longer and what is more in our budget. Or do I spend more then twice the prize on the happy chicken?
The one sign I did not get in here was the organic ones also free range inside outside. 30 eggs was 7.29 I think for the cage chickens and 7.19 for 12 organic free range happy chickens... 
It was actually one of my biggest decisions today. I went for the yellow sign... Not organic but "happy" (?) chickens. 
Any views on this folks? What do you pick? 

tirsdag 8. juli 2014

The playground is the perfect gym

Out for an evening walk in one of my favorite parks. 
And I desided to do a little bit of workout. My plan is to get back into shape after pregnancy, and now my body feels ready for it! So went to the playground meet a deer.....
Did some squats, dips and chin ups lol they are pretty pathetic right now, but gotta start somewhere. Kinda frustrating but I have the best reason ever :) 

And now back to work! 

Chin ups you said. Ouch here we go! 

Bought two new books today 

Starting to read Earthing now, something that has completely stolen my attention now.

Very interesting 

Spent some quiet time alone with little man today as he has a cold and is feeling iffy. Not really crying but needing the comfort of his mamma. Stated at home while the others went for a dinner invitation :) nice with some quiet time too. 
Sat out in the sun for a while but it got too hot. Shade was better today. Had Johan out a couple of trips for some Earthing too ;) 

Good night from beautiful Kelowna 

søndag 6. juli 2014

Camping in Osoyoos

After some car trouble we finally arrived at the Nk'Mip camp sight 
Here from one of our paleo dinners. Greek night. It's so nice to go camping with people who are primal/paleo/AIP
Food is not a problem. 
Few years ago there would be hotdogs, chips, candy, granola bars and other easy junk food and "healthy" treats 

The men setting up camp 

Getting to know the play areas

Happy boys coming into our tent for a morning snuggle 

7 AM swim

Happy mommies walking down the Nk'Mip vineyard after a nice wine tasting and aperitizer on the patio.
So nice of the men to let us have this break:) We sure had fun

Bother and Sister cooking

One happy mamma 

This was my cheat for the trip. I can feel it but I sure missed a nice cold Strongbow on a hot summer night

Walked to Whitesands one day. Good exercise. 
The big kids went snake hunting with the dad's. They where so exited to see one 

Carmen was not so exited when she almost stepped on one going to the camping washrooms 

Gotta teach em' about caning life early. 
This was one happy camping baby
Never seen him so chilled 

Stopped by old friends in Penticton, they were so nice and took us out for lunch

Then we stopped by other friends of Eric and Carmen in Summerland

Now we are all back at Carmen's in Kelowna.
This sure has been a fun trip. But tonight it's gonna feel good to sleep in a bed again

Thank you Carmen and Ray for letting us tag along on your trip