Been a while since I've written a blog now. To update a bit. I've tried twice but both times it's shut down after writing a lot and I got frustrated and diet want to spend more time on it. But now I feel like I have some time to give a little update.
We are doing so many things here and getting stuff done. It's hard to believe we have been here for a month now. It scares me how fast it has gone by. Still have so much left, but already starting to think about going home and have to say I don't know where I feel the happiest. All I know is that we are so lucky to have all these wonderful people around us in two places to make us be able to call two places home.
Jonas is growing and enjoying life so much, playing with his friends and always making new ones.
Johan is smiling so much and getting exited about the world around him.
Eric is working and keeping busy all the time with his job, the cabin and family.
I'm busy with cabin and family stuff. Enjoying life
Went for The Paleo Moms book signing in Vancouver with Carmen and baby
Did a first aid class at the park. For DEA
Keeping on track with heathy eating. It is so much easier when we are around people that follow the same food ways as we do in some form. Some strickter, some less, but all understanding and eating clean with us. It's awesome.
Jonas helping daddy fix a leak in the kitchen sink
Getting times at the beach and elsewhere to relax
Cuddles with my baby
Family outings. Here to Crecent beach
In the office with daddy.
Getting stronger. Playing with favorite toy Tussi
Got my very first bow, I kick ass btw ;)
Picking blackberries and making good deserts
Good times with family around a Hatzic fire
New workout gear to get motivation ;)