fredag 15. mai 2015

Learning something new. Tapping birch trees

So yesterday we finally went out to see the lady that was my doula when having Johan.
Her and her family have become good friends of ours, but living a bit far and always being busy have made it difficult to visit. I always learn something new when I go there. This time it was tapping birch sap. 
Quite interesting. And so easy. 
Love going out there and see those guys such a happy place

Did some reading on it today and there seem to be quite a lot of health benefits to it. Of course on the internet you can find people that are very sceptical and critical to things and also the other way around so, before you go and try it, maybe just look into some links and make your own opinion on what you feel is good for you. I've probably drank about 1/2 litre today. It tastes mostly like water. With a little bit of sugar in it ( thats the xylitol)
Here is the wikipedia link, I always find wikipedia has enough info to make me decide if I want to read more about the subject or not.

Jonas likes it too. I even gave a tiny little bit to Johan today. Funny how you can drink stuff tight out of the tree..

So what you need for the project is a thin hose, a drill and a bit that is the same size as the hose. Drill a hole about 5 cm into the birch but the hose in, bottle in the other end, seal it with some plastic foil so no bugs go in there.

Depending on the tree you get different amounts,  I've gotten about 2 1/2 litres in 24 hours. 

Try it with your kids it's a fun project

Lots of things happening in our world these days too. Eric is super busy with his game, things are moving forward. 
Tina and I took a shopping trip with Johan to Trondheim last weekend, that was fun. Havent really gone shopping shopping since long before I got pregnant with Johan. So it felt nice to get something new.
We have gotten to enjoy a beautiful day outside in the sun today. Jonas is such a great big brother helping out with Johan and playing with him a lot. To day we have been outside all day. Raking, playing, planting, hiking, crawling, jumping on the trampoline, moved the swing.
For dinner today I used my dear crockpot and made Goulash. Yum!!
And for my last thing before sitting down I tried out the two ingredient recipe cookies. 
2 bananas and 2 cups of oats. 
Added vanilla and 1/3 cup 70% chocolate chips :)
Looking forward till tomorrow.

Oh and the sauce is being made in the crockpot for my pulled pork tomorrow...
So easy to put something like that on in the morning having dinner ready and waiting for you when you come back from work :)

mandag 4. mai 2015

Ducking soup!

Yesterday's duck boiled on low heat for hours pealed apart and put all kind of veggies in 
Norwegian lapskaus but with duck :)

Then when we have had this duck for dinner again I will make the last if it into babyfood. Mostly he eats what ever we eat eat but sometimes it's nice to have something in the freezer for him. 

søndag 3. mai 2015

Making some duck for dinner!! Eating the first dandelion of the year!

Put the duck on low heat while we biked into town to get the car. And get some veggies. When we got home I started cutting up the veggies to put in with the duck and turned up the heat. 
Onion, sweet potatoes, garlic, bacil,dandelion that I picked when walking and one tomato.

Also managed to get some snow sun tanning in today! Love it.  

lørdag 2. mai 2015

Egg muffins

Egg muffins

10 eggs
1 tbs coconut flour
2 tbs almond flour
1 tbs flax seeds 
1 tbs sunflower seeds
1 tbsp physilliym 
1 tbsp salt
1 tbs MCT oil ( olive oil, coconut oil, butter will also work just to make them not stick)

I also poured the bacon fat into the mix

Mix well and put in a muffin tray

175 c till you can see they are
Done mine took about 20 minutes but depends on the size of the muffin trays

My boys are loving these

Served with veggies from last nights veggie tray and some bacon and cheese 

Good morning 

mandag 27. april 2015

Why get some sunshine?

So you use sunscreen? Why get sun on our body?

I don't use sunscreen! I use coconut oil!!!
What oil!! You will get a burn! You will get cancer! You will die!

Well not really...
I don't mean don't protect your skin or li sent to your doctors advice. But for my skin type I use coconut oil BECAUSE it actually is a natural sunscreen 4. I never really burn so I'm lucky that way. 

The sun also make you produce vitamin D. The vitamin our body can not make it self. And the sun is also free. No need to buy expensive supplements. Or if you do you don't need to take it on times where you are getting enough sunshine. 
An other thing about vitamin D is that it actual kills cancer cells in our body. So if I then put cancerous chemicals on my body in forms of sunscreen blocking my body for making it own cancer killing system... Isn't that kind of backwards? Get the right amount of sun not burning our skin so we can get skin cancer but then giving it help to fight "evils" 

What do you think

Happy (the right amount) tanning people
Enjoy that sun 

mandag 20. april 2015


So, Jonas has been asking for pancakes for a while, but I have not had the time to figure out how to best make them, I always find that pancakes have been a struggle. I mean the norwegian thin kind. This morning I managed to do it.
Here is the recipe :

6 eggs
1/2 cup milk 
2 tbs coconut flour
1-2 tsp vanilla powder
1 tbs arrowroot flour
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1 1/2 tbs honey
1 tbs MCT oil

Butter the pan well. But I had NO stickiness what so ever with these. and I managed to get them nice and thin as well

torsdag 16. april 2015

1 year. I can not believe it.

First picture
<3 LOVE <3

So little dude is turning one!
Here is a little mix from his year. 
(The pictures did not want to upload in the right order so frustration made it just like this)

Some play time with your big brother in the morning as always fun

You absolutely love food

Look at those cute little teeth

More morning cuddles with Døss as you now call Jonas

You love being outside and we have done lots of walk this year

Always charming the ladies??

Getting into the kettlebelling with Mamma

In March 2015 you started daycare. They all say you are a very easy and happy baby. Always smiling and really enjoying playtime.

You love baths here you are having a bath at the cabin. Thats is how mamma gets to clean the floors now 

Look what a little boy

Love your little hands

Bestemor was there for your birth. She is such a wonderful lady. And she loves you so much

Sometimes you get very mad

And sometimes you are very serious

Only 2 months old we traveled to our cabin in Hatzic. Our own special place. You spent your whole summer in the sun. In nature. With so many friends and family that love you so such

We went camping in a tent in Osoyous

My little cutie

One of the rare pictures of you smiling in the carseat. As you really are no fan of the car

Here we were in Amsterdam on our way home from Canada. A little overlay there to make the jet lag a little bit easier

Then we were back in Norway and we needed to start dressing for the winter. Sissel knitted you this cute outfit/sleepingbag

Showing off those little teeth again

Always happy to be going outside... But maybe not loving the getting dressed part

These girls arrived from Ethiopia and were so amazing with you. And very fascinated 

Our little xmas photo shoot. 
Two handsome boys we have

Then we had lots of fun times in the snow

Being bit silly with mamma

Hey where is santa??

A picture from your first month with us. Jonas is such a proud big brother

Happy little Nisse's

Playing with Storebror in the snow. Loving it


Some days we would just dress you and and put you in your exersauser. You love outside 

Tante Tina came home from Beirut. And is now living with us for a little bit. I think you love her too

Cant believe you used to fit inside my tummy

We love you so much little handsome.
Have a great 1st birthday.

1 year old baby. My body changes

So one year ago I looked just like this....
Walking about in the hospital bathroom... in circles..knowing that soon my second son would be born
I have done a few pictures over the year to see the changes in my body. 
I have been working on it all the time. Right food and a good workout routine 
With my first kid I gained about 30 kilograms and I struggled so bad getting rid of it. Until I discovered the simple thing called real food.
So here are some pictures from my year.

This is how Iooked about 3 days after he was born.
It's such a funny sensation when it's "empty"

This is about one month after

And front

This is my back after getting more back into training again. About  months

Here is my regard to my self for loosing most of my baby weight by the time we were leaving Canada. 
A viking tattoo with the kids names in runes. 
Amore vincit omnia in the middle as our engagement rings says. All in an 8 shape for my sister

My tummy... well at xmas
Look at my tiger stripes as i call them. And my bellybutton will probably never be the same again. It's always sticking out a bit ;P

And this is me now. Well I guess this picture was taken about a month or so ago, but it's still the same now. 
I'm very happy with what I have achieved in this past year. 
Some people think I'm crazy. But thats ok. Like I've said before,  my likeminded people and friends and family are such amazing supporters. And I could not have done this all by my self.
I'm a strong believer that my kids are benefitting from our lifestyle. They are healthy and strong boys. 

I'm learning with this lifestyle to be more happy. 
So I'm gonna keep going at it.
This is not a fad for me it is now a part of me