Let's go caveman style
Well here it comes, a few days delayed but life is busy
After one month on paleo the biggest change is of course for Eric.
He has lost 4kg (about 8-10lbs). He was not to happy about that, he wanted it to be more, but that is a really healthy weightloss. The kind that is easier to keep off.
I am still exactly the same weight 62.4 kg for those who say I have lost to much weight and look skinny. Muscle does that.
For most of the time Eric has managed to keep his exercise plan, but traveling and finishing the house has at times been a bit too much and exercise has been on the bottom of the list at times.
He is now discovering the fun of cross country skiing, which is probably gonna help him loose a bit more over the next month.
I have to say I am really impressed how well he has been doing and how much more in tuned with his own body he has become. As I have over the past year.
His 100's he stared out only being able to do 25 in a row and he is now doing about 50.
Squats and sit ups are easier :p
We are both putting lots of time into cooking both by our selfs and together.
Jonas is eating everything we are. He is still getting others stuff in barnehagen and he is super happy and healthy.
I had a doctor test done. Blood work to check up on everything. Super healthy as well !
One thing tho... Big surprise... People have been telling me to eat meat... So I can get iron.
And that I'm probably anemic.... Well news flash I have to much iron. But as the doctor said that more of a luxus problem.
For those who are telling me that eating high fat (healthy fat as cocnut oil and butter) and eggs are bad for my cholesterol. One more thing that was perfect ! So haha
How every I did start eating meat again. Not a lot but once in a while. It's still not my favourite, but I guess if I want to go caveman style thats the way to do it ;)
You use cholesterol to make vitamins D and also to make bile to break down fats. Every cell in your body makes and uses cholesterol and it is essential for brain function etc. so eating it is nessesary Also make sure you're getting enough fat if you go low-carb and you don't get enough fact that you never get rid of the cravings and replace it with too much protein which can also be fatteningIf you are missing any nutrients including things like Fat-soluble vitamins or minerals it can cause you to crave lots of food when you really only need that one thing that you are missing.
Words from a trusted source and good friend
Pictures of Eric in white boxers are from day 1, in dark boxers is day 30....
Anyone see any changes ; )
This is me in The Blue Lagoon in February 2012 Before even knowing about Paleo |
This is me in the summer getting a bit more into the work out, but still not gone paleo
Me on day one of the paleo challange, here i have been more or less paleo for 3 months or so |
Pictures from after the challenge.
Not a big change. But my body is feeling good AND in one year it is a huge change. 15kg are gone, fat loss and muscle gain :) Im happy
Have a cool thing I am doing in March, a surprise, and for this I have to keep working on my body. So stayed tuned :)
So far my page has had over 3000 readers in Norway, Australia, Canada, Alaska and the states. Keep sharing my blog please :)
Thank you to everyone who already have.
To the people that have helped me with my questions
To Robb Wolf with his awesome podcast
To people helping me out in the gym
And mostly to Eric for doing this with me and taking it with a smile even tho he has had no beer ;P
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