The ugly wolffish.
I'm finding that eating fish has kind of faded away in the last little while and I know why. I love trout and salmon. The two fishes that are hardest to find that are not farm raised. I really don't need zombie fishes on my plate raised on grains and who knows what.
Yes I will still eat it on occasion... But I'm finding it harder and harder to justify buying it...
So today when I went to the fresh seafood counter at Coop to see what my options are that are also not gonna cost me all the money in the world. So this ugly guy does not cost the most and he tastes pretty darn good too
I did not bother decorating the ugly guy either.
But what I did was
Fried up some easterham in butter. Boiled brussel sprouts then mix those two together with some pink himmalayan sea salt
In the butter and fat that is left I put the fish also added turmeric and some more sea salt into that mix.
Had a look in my fridge...
There is found some red pepper I could cut up, along with some leeks that had to be used soon, so that went in to the mix.
Then I used some fresh dill and basil for some green, flavourful and nutritional color
And then half a lemon squeezed in there
A sprinkle of parmesan on top YUM!!
It was so good!
Both kids ate really well. Jonas is starting to be a lot better with his eating. He has always ate everything but sloooowly. He is eating better now, still playing silly with his brother but he is 5 so let him be silly from time to time.
And here is a silly picture of me and Johan
He gets so serious with shades on
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