tirsdag 25. februar 2014

Blog 300, 50 days till due date, paleo kids

So I've written 300 blogs since I started, almost 20000 visits to my page. Not huge when u think about the big bloggers, but still pretty cool for me. I'm learning what kinda blogging get most visits and not. 
I'm learning so much about food and the body. 
I've been to my first seminar that I loved. 
I'm growing a paleo/primal baby and raising a paleo/primal kid

And what does he eat? 
How do I do this with a child, so many people ask.
Well simple.... Kids adapt! Easier than you. 
So if that's your problem I don't find it that a very hard one to solve. 
Yes maybe the first little while the kid will be unhappy with what he is getting served. But when not given any other options they soon eat. Important with every meal tho is to have options not just fish and carrots, or just broccoli. As they might not like that right now but eat maybe 2 to 3 veggetBles out of the 5-6 you made. And keep serving the ones they that day say they don't like. Because tomorrow they might say the opposite. Let them be involved in the cooking. Or if you are ok with your kid getting some tv time, I often let this time happen when I'm cooking. Gives me time to cook without a hungry and grumpy kid at my feet. And if they don't get to watch tv all the time, this time will be appreciated. It's nice to have time to cook :)

 Here is what Jonas ate today, deer, peas, carrots,brusselsprouts, salad and he tried a whole carlic that we made with the meat. But did not like that one. How ever he will eat garlic when it's in a stir or stirfry. So also keep trying the same food in different dishes in different ways. 

50 days left little kicker!

Sunset from the dairy farm :) 

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