mandag 9. mars 2015

A night at the Skifer hotel

Well Yesterday I got hugely surprised with a birthday lunch at the Skifer hotel here in Oppdal. 
Had a nice lunch with some of the most awesome people in my life. 
Then Eric had booked me in for a massage at the SPA. Where I found the massage therapist that I am gonna continue to use from now on. Learned a lot while getting a wicked work on my body.

Eric and I decided to dine in the room, so we went over to the grocery store and picked up a nice little picnic.

Got to use the spa and had a nice long bath in Epsom salts. 
If you have never tried Epsom salts you should! If feels amazing. (it's magnesium)

Feeling like a very lucky girl, having such a wonderful man planning all of this for me. Altho I could be without the surprise part next time. Haha.
It's the second time in a year now. Babyshower and 30 birthday party. So now I need no more surprises for a while. 

Eric heads off to New York on thursday and will be gone on my day. So being able to do this with him now. Was very special.
If you are reading this please go to Erics Stikkmenn page on Facebook and like his page. Having more likes to the page is very positive for his trip.
Done my last work for the night cut and trimmed Eric's hair. Can't look scruffy in NY

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