onsdag 28. august 2013

Four fish and desert

Four fish from the mountain, bought from a local :)

Defrosted one of the pumpkin/cauliflower mash from earlier
Baby carrots and broccoli 

The fish I pealed and mixed it with caramelized onions and sour cream
Salt and pepper.
It was so good. 

For desert we had red currants blended with cream, stevia and honey. It turned onto a pudding!!!
Then prunes with milk 
All sprinkled with shredded coconut.

Today we got all the primer on the house done :)
Some other stuff taken care of around the house

At the end of the day another wicked work out.
I just love kettlebell

tirsdag 27. august 2013

More kombuchia and new nails

Bottled up some more kombuchia today

Adding a link here for people that wants more facts about it.
I also have lots of scobys that I can send out if anyone wants. No charge of course just pay the shipping :) Doing that for someone this weekend


It's super easy! 


Also went to get some girls stuff done today.
Yay new nails!!! 
Me happy girl 
Thanks Guðrún you rock! 

søndag 25. august 2013

Fantastic BBQ

So tried out the taco seasoned burgers on the BBQ today. 
They were so good! 
Of course wrapped in lettuce and with a nice salad on the side! 
Even Jonas ate two burgers! 

We also did a bike ride into town today. The weather has been so lovely today that I have to take advantage when I can.

lørdag 24. august 2013

11 or 12 meals done

Some candle light is nice now that nights are getting darker

Lots of meat

Some onions and eggs

And ta-taa 11-12 meals done depending on how much we eat :)

Half of these are beef and liver, had a taste and I actually like them, so there one way to hide liver that I was okay with :) it's about a 90-10 mix tho. Next time I can up it a bit

The other half are beef and pork with taco seasoning.
Also have 6 more burgers to put on the BBQ tomorrow :) Can't wait.

So here we have 13 meals, cooked in 3 hours, kitchen cleaned up.
That means one meal took about 13.8 minutes. ( thanks Cathy )
Yes we have to boils some veggies, fry up the burgers, make "lettuce-bunns" 
But that's still a quick and easy meal :)

Yay us :)

Corn in the milk!!!!!

So sometimes we buy a yoghurt drink. I won't mention the brand.
But it says with with extra fiber. That was not really what I looked at. Just grabbed something I've always grabbed. 
Yogurt drink. I buy yoghurts too so why now have some yoghurt drink once in a while?
So tonight I SAW the extra fiber part. So I decided to look at the ingredients.
POLYDECSTROSE from corn. ( gluten free fiber)
So thankfully they did not sneak gluten into my dairy. But I'm still kinda not happy about that. That's sneaking grain into my diet, ( and GMO ) when I'm trying my very best to be grain free. 

Sneaky sneaky

fredag 23. august 2013

Rhubarb strawberry crumble

Well don't know if I can say this was a huge success. Missed a couple of ingredients... Arrowroot powder I could not find at all and I thought I had cinnamon but nope! 

The crumble part was good, but the rhubarb part a bit too sour. 
Had to try to do something with the rhubarb I had in the garden

Some rhubarb facts: The stalks are rich in several B-complex vitamins such as folates, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B-6 (pyridoxine), thiamin, and pantothenic acid

Here is the original receipt if anyone wants to try. 

torsdag 22. august 2013

What's this?

This is deer meatballs
With mashed cauliflower and pumpkin ( Jonas loved that one)
And gravy. I have to admit I did a little cheat there. Used a gluten free gravy mix, but added two avocados, half of an eggplant and one zucchini. ( all mixed in a blender)  So lots of nutrition in it. That way I cheat in veggies that Jonas won't eat. 

Kettlebell was cancelled tonight so I did my own thing at the gym 

My grandparents also came for a visit today, my grandpa finished up the last window. And me my grandma and Jonas went for a little shopping.

Nice to have such nice grandparents. 

Finally got stared on the base coat of the house too. But rain is interfering.

Today's harvests

Picked a big bowl of red currants and picked out all the rhubarb. Don't know at this moment what to do with the rhubarb but I will figure something out. 
Rhubarbs also had some cool leaves :)

tirsdag 20. august 2013

Cod, veggies and a story

Eric made Cajun cod with lots of fried onions ( in butter )
Broccoli and lettuce with sour cream
Very good and very filling
Just what I needed after a long day at work

Had some good talks with some great clients today always fun to share stories
Today I got told about a very Arthritis   sick and overweight man. Sitting in the sofa feeling sick and sorry for himself.
Then he met a doctor that introduced  him to healthy eating and exercise.
The man is now down 50kg and is doing triathlons. 
His wife had said she got a new husband. 
Isn't that I good story? 
Better quality food=a better quality life.

lørdag 17. august 2013

Todays harvest

Cloudberries and blueberries 

 Finally made it to see one of the best ladies you can ever know. We still had not had time to meet up since
I moved back to Norway. Today we went up to the mountain of my hometown and picked lots of berries. 

 This is how your hands are supposed to look after picking real wild-blueberries.

torsdag 15. august 2013

Needed meat!!

Took some pre made buffalo chicken out of the freezer added some ground veal, used up the peperonata from the other day and wrapped it up in some bok-choi.

I just love having pre-made stuff in the freezer  which lavish you with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefitsor days like today when stress is a little bit to much and cooking seems like hell. 

Pays off to do lots of cooking sometimes.

Looking forward to the weekend now.
It's time

onsdag 14. august 2013

Night food

After a day in Trondheim. Going to Ikea and getting some stuff for the house. 
Got home late feed Jonas and then put some stuff together:)
At 9 we finally had time to eat. 
Moose, sausages, feta cheese, grapes and apples 
Nice and easy

tirsdag 13. august 2013

Peperonata and some pepper facts

Made Italian peperonata today.
4 kinds of peppers ( yellow, orange, red and green)
Onions and garlic

Peppers are very high in Vitamin A and C and also beta-carotene,  which lavish you with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory benefits

Jonas' favorite part of the dinner was the iceberg lettuce.

We had salmon to it on the side. Eric had a little whoops with that. That I won't mention here. Lol ;) He always makes such good food that sometimes he is allowed a mistake 

mandag 12. august 2013

Finally tricked him ;)

Finally got Eric to come to Kettlebell class with me :)
So happy, hoping he will keep on going with me cuz it's so nice to have something to do as a couple.
Huge thanks to Karin for babysitting Jonas and putting him to bed :)


søndag 11. august 2013

Thoracic mobility stretch

With the workout program I am following now I got told to do this after each work out, and holy cow is it ever effective.
Hurts like hell but after a few times it gets so much better and I'm feeling a lot better too.

Using a 4kg dumb-bell to hold my arms to the floor.
Starting with bum up then lowering my bum to stretch my legs all the way out. Working my way down my torso.

Just after doing this 5 times my flexibility has already improved.

Breakfast in Breistigen

Boys in the kitchen

Omelet with bacon, onion and cheese

Tomatoes, pepper and avocado on the side.

This is a breakfast that will keep you going for long instead of bread that will make you hungry again after 2 hours, spiking your insulin level and giving you cravings 

fredag 9. august 2013

Asian stir fry and ginger facts ;)

Eric made a delicious Asian stirfry.
Baby corn
Onions (red and yellow)
Ginger (delicious ginger)

And rice noodles for those who wanted that. 

This was such a great dinner
And my dad made it here just in time.he came on his motorcycle so a bit wet in this rain. 

torsdag 8. august 2013

Fish taco and some onion facts

Well I guess technically it does not really have much in common with tacos, the only thing we did was to wrap our dinner in lettuce. But it sort of makes it a bit diffrent.
Here we used trout. With broccoli, brusselsprouts and fried onions.
I just love fried onions!! I can eat it with almost anything. 

Onion is also a good source of vitamin C, it also has quite a bit of fiber ( for all you people that wonder where to get fiber if you can eat your grains) It's also a source of B6, folate and potassium.
So there some onion facts ;)

tirsdag 6. august 2013

Fantastic neighbors

Tonight we had an awesome dinner at the neighbors farm. 
All paleo/primal
Fenalår two different kinds one here from oppdal and one traditional one. 
Italian prosciutto and Norwegian prosciutto. 
Fenalår is the sheep version of prosciutto btw.
Scrambled eggs
Two different kinds of salad, one with spinach walnuts and olives and one with iceberg and tomatoes 
Honeydew melon 

And for desert we had Norwegian strawberries, raspberries and watermelon and some nice dark chocolate 

A real feast meal if you ask me.

Thank you to The Steinsheim family for such a wonderful evening

mandag 5. august 2013


Such a cool dinner 
Just cut up a whole bunch of meat 
Here we had pork, salmon, and chicken both marinated and natural, Norwegian sausage with game meat, prosciutto and one more sausage that I can't remember the name of. A Spanish one.

Red and yellow onion
Baby corn and corn ( I won't eat that as its GMO but....) 

Cheddar and Norwegia cheese

Happy grandparents and happy us ;) 

fredag 2. august 2013

Waiting for the wings

So busy here in oppdal now. A big event is on in town 20000 extra people in a 7000 (ca) citizens town. 
Being a alone at work is exhausting but at least the days go fast.
So tonight we are doing chicken wings and veggies with dip ;) 
And while waiting a glad of wine ;)