lørdag 24. august 2013

11 or 12 meals done

Some candle light is nice now that nights are getting darker

Lots of meat

Some onions and eggs

And ta-taa 11-12 meals done depending on how much we eat :)

Half of these are beef and liver, had a taste and I actually like them, so there one way to hide liver that I was okay with :) it's about a 90-10 mix tho. Next time I can up it a bit

The other half are beef and pork with taco seasoning.
Also have 6 more burgers to put on the BBQ tomorrow :) Can't wait.

So here we have 13 meals, cooked in 3 hours, kitchen cleaned up.
That means one meal took about 13.8 minutes. ( thanks Cathy )
Yes we have to boils some veggies, fry up the burgers, make "lettuce-bunns" 
But that's still a quick and easy meal :)

Yay us :)

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