torsdag 31. januar 2013

Salmon and veggies baked in the oven

Fresh salmon with butter salt pepper and lemon and dill

Brusselsproats in loooots of olive oil salt and pepper

All baked in the oven for about one hour
Added some water to veggies to soften them up:)

Was soooo good!

Added a bit of greens on the side too little herb salad:)

onsdag 30. januar 2013


Ground chicken with vegetables

Some greens on the side
So tired tonight that cooking had to be quick and easy
Did one Pilates class and after that I had jiu-jitsu

Good night people

tirsdag 29. januar 2013

Yeah I tried something new!

Cod roe!!!
And guess what I liked it.
Today my grandparents came from Vinstra and they brought cod roe. Something I would now even considered tasting one year ago. Ate that avocado, tomatoes and cucumber had some turkey leftover that we made too.

mandag 28. januar 2013

Post work out meal

After my kettlebell class I boiled some eggs to get some protein had 3 eggs and one avocado. Avocado has so much fiber so for people who think that bread=fiber.... There are lots of other options avocado being one of the best. It is a superfood! Has lots of heathy fats and lots of other beneficial nutrition.
Threw in some garlics in olive oil in there too and some seeds just to get a little crunchiness:)
As a snack while watching our show I had shredded coconut! High in heathy fats too:)

Forgot to take a Picture of our dinner today, but we had salmon with carrots broccoli and onions. All with butter ;) delicious butter:)

søndag 27. januar 2013

Hunt and gather... Mission eggs!

Well today as a Sunday work out Guðrún and I walked from Oppdal to the farm that sells fresh eggs here in Oppdal. It's in Gamlekongevei. It is a good walk but it company it goes easy. And we got picked up as walking home with a flat of eggs each is a bit hard. Planning some fun stuff for the spring/summer :D

Getting lots of questions from people now about food and other diet stuff. It is cool to know that people are following my blog and liking what they read.

I'm meeting new people because of it and picking up old friendships and keeping good ones.
Paleo is benefitting in lots of ways I guess :)
Workouts of the week are booked
Kettlebell tomorrow
Foamroller and TRX on Tuesday
Pilates and jiu-jitzu on Wednesday
Styrkesirkel on Friday

Also picked up a trampoline we got for free today! Looking forward to putting it up in the spring

Tomorrow is a new week! Start it happy!

Basa and veggies

Tonight Jonas decided he wanted fish instead of turkey.
So made it with all kinds of vegetables, carrots, bamboo, onions, broccoli, spinach, peppers and cabbage. Mixed in coconut milk and curry!
Tastes so good:)

lørdag 26. januar 2013

Morning coffee and banana pancakes

Jonas and I decided to make banana pancakes this morning.
Of course I am having my coconutoil/butter coffee. Which Eric also has moved over to now;)

Also made one more banana bread as we were at it :)

Cabage rolls. Made by Eric and Jonas

I am such a lucky lady. Come home from work finding my two lovely men cooking:)
Cabbage rolls stuffed with ground chicken and lots of veggies:)

fredag 25. januar 2013

My little caveman!

Jonas which at times can be a difficult eater. Not in what he eats, he will eat pretty much anything, but he is very slow at eating and unfocused when he eats.
I gave him a chicken drumstick right off the chicken and he went thru that thing like it was a piece of candy.

Peperonata and chicken:)

When I lived in Italy we often has peperonata, peppers with onions, garlic and zucchini I also added some broccoli.
Bought a whole chicken today at Spar as they are on sale now;) buying on sale is smart! One is in the freezer too;)

Yesterday's dinner

Chicken and veggies in salad:)
Awesome salad wraps :)

onsdag 23. januar 2013

Mangoes on sale

When I find something on sale I try to base my dinner on that. Found mangoes today so made a mango dip for the salmon. Also had some avocados that were gonna go bad in a few days so made a guacamole. Funny looking dinner but it all tastes very good;) fun to play around with what you have

Paleo banana bread and coconut bread

It was Eric's birthday yesterday but as I was at work and Jonas had daycare we waited with the extra till today.
Jonas and I got up and made two types of cake/bread
House smells delicious!
No sugar, no gluten and no dairy!

3 very ripe bananas (about 1 ½ cups) mashed
3 eggs
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp almond extract (optional, but we love it!)
1 tablespoon honey (agave or maple would work too)
¼ cup coconut oil, melted
2 cups almond meal (I get mine at Trader Joe’s)
½ teaspoon salt
1 teaspoon baking soda

6 eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract / inside of 1 vanilla bean
3 tbs honey
3 cups dried, shredded coconut
1 tsp baking powder
1 tsp coconut oil (for oiling the pan)

tirsdag 22. januar 2013

Char and mashed rutabaga

Well headline speaks for it self.
Eric made us dinner tonight. The fish is from the lakes around here bought from a local fisher man.
So good with wild fish like that.
Fried up some onions on the side too, makes it so good!

mandag 21. januar 2013

Stuffed peppers and mashed cauliflower

Left over meat from Saturday stuffed in peppers and mashed cauliflower with a bit of coconut milk and lots of butter!!!!
And also adding salt as that is very important in paleo.

søndag 20. januar 2013

Brunch and dinner.

Brunch today we had shrimps and what ever we could find in the fridge. Salad, herring, fruits, and gluten and lactose free knekkebrø.

For dinner tonight we had BASA.
Mixed in with lots of veggies
"Yellow carrots"
Snap peas

Made in coconut milk and a bit of curry

Some salad and tomatoes on the side

lørdag 19. januar 2013

Salad wraps

Eric made awesome salad wraps tonight.
One beef and one chicken.
And yes I had beef tonight too!
Getting better at it but its still not my favorite. Want to try some wild meat.
Any suggestions?

fredag 18. januar 2013

Good morning from Oppdal

-17c• fire place it lit, coffee in hand and Jonas and I are snuggled up on the couch.
Jonas had eggs and veggies for breakfast.
My breakfast is my coffee with coconut oil and butter. Added ONE drop of stevia made a much sweeter coffee.
Like to let my body stay in ketosis in the morning:)

torsdag 17. januar 2013

More coconut!

Last week I made coconut curry chicken:)
Had leftovers at work and Victoria tried it and liked it.
So tonight she came over for dinner.

tirsdag 15. januar 2013

Dinner and movie and new friends

As I am so not really enjoy being home alone to much I invited Guðrún over for a movie.
And made some food after Jonas decided to let me.
So easy to make food for people that are used to eating sorta in the same way as me.
Food tonight was
Prawns in butter
Smoked salmon
'Pinnekjerner' seeds
Salad and lemon

Good times

Hope my man is doing well on his trip with work, food and exercise.

My work out today was half an hour foamroller and TRX

mandag 14. januar 2013

Easy food today

My lunch I just had some tuna and avocado plus some tomatoes

Picked up Jonas from barnehagen and asked him what he wanted for dinner. He said eggs and cauliflower so I made him that but added some fish and broccoli and carrots.

Been tidying the house ever since.
Now time for bed:)

Good night

søndag 13. januar 2013

Today and our food

For lunch today Jonas and I made ground chicken with veggies. Used coconut milk in this one as well as Jonas is just loving it.

For dinner had both hot and cold smokes salmon, avocado, tomatoes, garlic, salads, lemon, olives, celery... Pretty much a plate of anything I could fine in the fridge.

Today's works out was a Tabata class :)
Love it! But only got 3 hours of sleep last night, lots to do in the house and we are getting its done. So got late and Jonas was up early. So 3 hours are not enough!

Eric is of to Frankfurt tomorrow for work, so now it's just me paleoing at home. He is sticking to it down there too:)
Gonna miss that man!

lørdag 12. januar 2013


My dad came to visit. Brought us mattresses. So we made chicken wings and veggies on the side.

Now we are relaxing in our living room
With a glass of red wine and some dark chocolate
Just watched Secriteriat what a great movie about a great horse

House is finally starting to feel like. A home:)

fredag 11. januar 2013

Curry coconut chicken

Making some chicken made with curry and coconut milk.
Red and yellow onions
Water chest nuts
And baby corn

And chedded coconut



Plane? Maybe but I love it!

torsdag 10. januar 2013

Wok and coconut

To day I'm making a wok
Red onions
Regular onions
Cod and prawns
And shredded coconut

Jonas loved dipping his food into some shredded coconut on the side as well

Hungey when you can't eat

Had some blood work done today, just some regular test I'm not sick;)
But could not eat since midnight last night, even tho I don't really eat much in the morning, my coconut/butter coffee is a must to get me going!
But not this am.
So as soon as I was done the test I went and got some salad and chicken from coop:)

onsdag 9. januar 2013


Work out of the night
1 hour kettle bell and one and a half hour jiu-jitsu :) it's so much fun! Lots of thinking and technique!
Got my own "Gi" :)


So good for you!
An other quick and easy meal.
Mackerel and just some carrots and cauliflower with butter YUM!!!

My sleep in morning

I have the best boys ever. On my day off they let me sleep in till almost ten and had breakfast made for me.
Eggs with veggies in, fried onions and tomatoes. Yum!
Jonas is very eager to help in the kitchen
The boys also had some sausages on the side

tirsdag 8. januar 2013


Got a whole chicken and just made some peppers and onions with olive oil. Bit of salad on the side. Quick, cheap and easy
Not every night we feel like cooking big meals in a busy day.

I had a morning work out class before work today, I really love working out in the morning, gives me more energy and evenings off.
Eric took Jonas to the pool today. And he is still doing all his exercises.
Jonas is doing great in the pool :D

Cheap and easy

So easy to go downstairs to the deli and get some salmon. 30kr and some iceberg 7kr. That's about 7$ that's a cheap and healthy lunch. Who says healthy eating is expensive?

mandag 7. januar 2013


Tonight I got back home a bit late from work.
So when that happens its nice to have some left overs in the freezer. We had some turkey left overs from New Years so I made that with some Franks and had some veggies on the side. Avocado, tomatoes, garlic and some lettuce. Avocados are a must in my diet. It is very high in fats and fiber.

Buy of the day.

A must in my house the past few months. Magnesium to relax muscles and sleep better.
Coconut oil for my morning coffee:)

søndag 6. januar 2013

My kid won't eat that.

We were gonna have burgers in salad but some technical difficulty made it just into ground meat with veggies;)
Turned out just fine.
We had finger food night and Jonas seems to like eating with his hands way better than cutlery. He is a slooooow eater . But the last 3 times we have had food we can eat with our hands he will eat twice as fast and double the amount.
He even ate raw zucchini.
I also believe that kids will eat what ever if they don't have the option of anything else.
Of course Jonas won't eat everything. No tomatoes or mushrooms are two examples. But when he one day says mommy I don't eat carrots( a thing I know he likes) he does not get the option of having something else.
He may leave them on his plate, but I know that will eat the rest on his plate and he will most likely eat the carrots next time they get served.
Kids will not starve them selfs.

We had both beef and chicken meat. I ate two small wraps with beef.
Back to meat land maybe....
And of course I ate lots of the chicken one. My tummy feels a bit funny, could just be my imagination tho. Time will tell, but one thing is for sure it won't kill me;)

And coming home to this:)

Coming home to my two awesome boys making us food. Eggs and left over veggies from last night:)
Thank you my loves.