søndag 6. januar 2013

My kid won't eat that.

We were gonna have burgers in salad but some technical difficulty made it just into ground meat with veggies;)
Turned out just fine.
We had finger food night and Jonas seems to like eating with his hands way better than cutlery. He is a slooooow eater . But the last 3 times we have had food we can eat with our hands he will eat twice as fast and double the amount.
He even ate raw zucchini.
I also believe that kids will eat what ever if they don't have the option of anything else.
Of course Jonas won't eat everything. No tomatoes or mushrooms are two examples. But when he one day says mommy I don't eat carrots( a thing I know he likes) he does not get the option of having something else.
He may leave them on his plate, but I know that will eat the rest on his plate and he will most likely eat the carrots next time they get served.
Kids will not starve them selfs.

We had both beef and chicken meat. I ate two small wraps with beef.
Back to meat land maybe....
And of course I ate lots of the chicken one. My tummy feels a bit funny, could just be my imagination tho. Time will tell, but one thing is for sure it won't kill me;)

1 kommentar:

  1. Såååå enig i det du skriver her Lena! Stå på videre super woman!! <3
