onsdag 31. juli 2013

Trip home, sugary foods ouch

So went for a trip back home to Kvam today, as my cousin is down from Andøya and we have not really seen each others in years, except half an hour meeting on the road two years ago. 
So was nice to see her and her family again :)

But as always when on the road the food gets a bit messed up.
Got some gluten free chocolate chips cookies for Jonas as I knew that visiting people we would be offered cakes and stuff with gluten, so at least he had a treat. But mommy could not stay away either. And also had some Norwegian kransekake, made from almonds, sugar and eggwhite. Dried mangoes ( with sugar ) was also on the treat list.
Anyways, I should know by now that my body just ends up feeling like crap after. 
Headache, a bit nausea, some joint pain and major upset stomach. No fun.
Headache being the biggest thing I can feel now.

Now ever had some nice salad burgers when we got back home :) YUM!

Jonas and Trude

tirsdag 30. juli 2013

Duck n' deer

Well as the fridge/freezer decided to quit on us yesterday we h to cook up some of the stuff we had frozen. So today we had duck thighs and deer.
Jonas loves the deer. The duck he is was to fat. I have to agree with him on that one, I prefer a good breast instead.
He finished pretty much all his food, until he bit his tongue and the over tiredness took over.

mandag 29. juli 2013

Veggie time

Today our dinner was a nice big salad/ cut up veggies to have with the left over hummus and tzatziki 

Our fridge/freezer also broke down so we have some cooking to do, thankfully most of the things could be saved :)
Eric cooked up the liver tonight with onions and carrots so had some liver with the salad. Still not sure about the liver taste, but I know it's good for me so eating it in small amounts I can do 

søndag 28. juli 2013

Donair salad and log carry

Was craving the delicious taste of a donair today, so Eric made a wonderful tasting dinner
Hummus, tzaziki, chicken marinated in Greek spices on top of a lot of iceberg lettuce, cucumber and some feta cheese. More of a primal dinner today, but tummy feels good, so no problems with dairy here.

As for today's work out we did about one hour, running getting logs from the forest. 
Putting them up agains the barn, chopping wood from last weekend, and socking it on the barn.
Now we are tired.

Also had a little trip to the beach today, but after a couple of hours the sun went away.
But we still had a nice family Sunday.

fredag 26. juli 2013

Tough Mudder Whistler 2013

So back in Canada this summer I did the Tough Mudder again, team from the same gym as last year. Smaller group but awesome gang :)
Getting Mudded up

Taking a knee before the start

First mud

Arctic Enema. My worst enemy 

Jonas did not wanna give mommy a hug. Mummy you are dirty, he said

Yeah those are my legs, diving into it

Still happy

Helping some guys getting over the walls

Strike a pose

Crossing the finish line

The whole team after the race :)

Happy gang. 18km done, lot's of mud, lots of smiles.
This is such an awesome event. This was my second time. And I loved it again. A bit harder this time as i knew the pain. But having a great team is good. Had not meet any of these people before the race, I just signed up with the same gym as last year. I had to do it again.
Thanks to Eric, Jonas and Karen for being there to cheer me on. Was the best having you there.

Will I do it again? Probably :)

Tricking kids to eat stuff ;)

Got this idea from Lillian
Made green eggs for Jonas, he does not like avocado, but it's more a texture thing not the taste. 
So I mixed eggs and avocado in the blender and he ate all of it. Had some BBQ pork left over and some fish too. 
Boiled carrots, broccoli and cauliflower 
 Strawberries and apple as desert 

I had a spinach salad with Chicken
It's so hot and nice now that food is kept simple

At the beach today I brought banana waffles and nuts and raisins.

And lots of water :)

torsdag 25. juli 2013

Iron levels back down to normal, only with food :D

So got my test results back today.
For people that did not read that post I had blood work done after x-mas to check that all my levels are where they are supposed to be, thinking my iron was probably down as the only thing.
Opposite happen. Everything was perfect, just TOO MUCH iron.
So adjusted what I am eating. And TA-TA all back to where its suppose to be :)
Don't need a super pill, it just takes a few months. I think rushing the body to fix it's self is not good in the long run. You feel better for longer if you just give it sometime :)
Yes sometimes our body needs some help, but with some help from your self over the long run, it will give you a longer run

onsdag 24. juli 2013

Blogging number 200!!

Well I'm now at my number 200 blog writing. And over 12000 visitors to my page from all over the world.
Norway, Canada and the US having most readers, but also Russia,Vietnam, Brazil, Argentina, Poland are also dropping by and others too. So it's lots of fun to see. 

Today Jonas and I went to Rauøra. A wow moment fore as i have never Bern there before. It was so nice and hot today around 25-28c. 
Norwegian mountains combined with a tropical beach. What more can you ask for? 

 This picture is from early in the am, later in the day the beach was packed.

We had visitors from Canada for the past couple of days too. So last night we had a huge all paleo BBQ dinner. Invited the neighbors too. Lots of good food and wine. 
BBQ fish from the North Sea, lettuce wraps, BBQ turkey, salad on the side ( also had rice just incase someone felt like it, there was two scoops taken! )
We had cloudberries for desert, a typical Norwegian desert normally used with cream.
I used coconut milk and shredded coconut. And they all loved it!! Yay success! 

        Eric of course had a nice fire :) 

Caroline, Sondee and the cute new puppy.

The evening before we had a nice BBQ with Gary and Caroline as well 

mandag 22. juli 2013

Doing a class, no excuses

Well as all the classes at the gym are on hold for the summer the "toughest" of us decided to get together anyways and do a class. Took some pictures of Guðrún's programs and did an awesome class again tonight.
Fun times!

søndag 21. juli 2013

Sunshine work out

After dinner Eric and I went out to do a kettlebell workout in the sunshine on the field :)
Get out there people and do a workout in the sunshine. Absorb all the vitamin-D you can get. Makes you feel good too

BBQ :)

Finally we have had a nice couple of days here too.
Today we are having a BBQ.
Pork tenderloins, ribs, gluten free hotdogs for the kids
Prosciutto wrapped asparagus 
GreenSalad with watermelon, grapes, apple, almonds and sunflower seeds

lørdag 20. juli 2013

Kinda Thai food

Marinated chicken breast

Coconut curry sauce.
I use coconut milk and add curry too it. Added a little bit of other spices too. Just what ever I have to add some extra flavor. 

Rice and green salad on the side

Eric made spinach with garlic and onion. (Boiled) 

Every one ate and enjoyed :) 

fredag 19. juli 2013

Taco time

Lettuce wrapped tacos:) 
Shells for my dad tho;)
Good to have Eric back home, he was 3 hours late. But not it's all good.

Short blogg, mama is tired

torsdag 18. juli 2013

Sharing the clouds

Some pretty cool clouds tonight as I was driving in to and out of town. 
Body is for some reason acting up on me right now. 
So really starting to wonder what is even in that gluten free stuff as I've been off all of that for so long.
Scalp is also super itchy (psoriasis)
Sore hands. First time I've ever felt like I can really hold my scissors properly. Thank goodness for my super scissors with movable thumb :)
So started talking Glutamine today. Lets see what that will do for me :) 

My dad came today with my little sister Nathalie. To babysit Jonas while I go to work tomorrow. Good to have them here. Had meatballs and gravy ( they actually ate the avocado/zucchini gravy) broccoli, cauliflower and carrots. And gluten free spaghetti for them. Nathalie even went back for seconds. And cleaned her plate again. Amazing!

Good Night to you all :)

Kale chips, morning project

Kale is hard to get here I find. 
So finally found it and wanted to try to make kale chips
Turned out nice and crispy, but not quite sure about the taste. They taste good but a bit strong. 
Anyways mission completed, was not to hard to make. Just wash good. Toss in olive oil with what ever spices you want. I made one taco and one Cajun
Bake on 175c till they start getting a bit of a brown color. 

Baked bacon

So Carmen posted these egg/bacon muffins. Bacon in muffin trays with egg in it.
I didn't have muffin trays so I just did it in a bread tray. It worked out great and Jonas loved it. Super fast and easy. And way less messy that making eggs and bacon in pans ;) 

Add a little bit of veggies or for Jonas I added some cheese :) 
Happy breakfast

onsdag 17. juli 2013

Stronger arms

Last kettlebell before Guðrún goes away for her holiday. But it looks like the 5 of us that are there are gonna keep meeting up and still train together :)
That's awesome

Today Jonas had to come with me to the gym too
He had a little play time before the class started 

Children and going paleo/glutenfree

So to try to explain to a 3 year old why we don't want him to eat certain things, it is very hard.
Jonas asks if everything has gluten in it.
He asks -Is that good for my body?
Or says -Oh, thats not good for my body, but it tastes good.

So yesterday after Eric went back to Sweden, Jonas stayed a couple of hours with me at work.
Busy day as one girl at work got sick, but nothing crazy. But just did not feel like cooking for a long time, and maybe even fighting Jonas a bit about eating.
I decided to let him choose what he wants for dinner. He says spaghetti, because thats Ryans favourite food.

(Jonas and Ryan at Ryan's school picnic after the HoneyBee farm)

So I say ok, I think we have gluten free spaghetti at home.
He looks at me with his grumpy face.

-Mommy I want gluten, I like gluten!

So we almost had a little fight at the store until I just said fine I'll make you gluten spaghetti.
When we got home and I was cooking
(Gluten free spaghetti, with ground turkey, fresh tomatoes, peppers, onions and tomato sauce)
Jonas keeps asking me to make sure this is pasta with gluten.
Then all of the sudden he says, but mommy then I will have flat poo (thats what he calls his poop after eating crap food, he will also call it gluten poo )
-I wanted it gluten free mommy.

So that was a small win for me.
He is getting more aware of how he is feeling too, altho he will eat it if it's given to him.

PS: Mommy how ever, has done noting different,  except  eating that gluten free pasta, and gluten free bread with him this morning for breakfast.
But my joints are in pain, typing is ok, but I was trying to study and make notes. Yeah holding the PEN, not working!!!!
Yes I had a hard kettlebell class, but that never bothers me!
So I dunno about those supplement stuff, as i have not had that in MONTHS!!??

Now to study glutamine!

mandag 15. juli 2013

Looking out my new bedroom windows

I think we have a pretty wicked view!!
This weekend Eric and my grandpa got the windows put in. Still some work to do but at least. Have windows :)
Lived the past months with styrofoam boards on our windows, this is better

Busy day at work today, lots of drop in now that's its holidays in Norway.
Still freezing cold here, but can't do anything about that.

Had an other great kettlebell class tonight.
Second last one now before Gudrun goes away for a month, then I gotta train by my self
We booked a trip to Iceland today. YAY! Can't wait to go!

Came home to delicious 'Kjøttsuppe' 
Norwegian soup, boiled on salted meat, add veggies and more meats. Eric had put in left over lamb and chicken.
The broth he had boiled up on the chicken we ate the other day:)

søndag 14. juli 2013

Coconut/chocolate goodies

Melt butter and coconut oil
Add shredded coconut 
Couple of drops of stevia
Two scoops of cocoa

Put a little in ice cube trays, then put in some nuts, some chocolate, dried fruit, some peanut butter and honey is also good.
Of course I put one ingredient in each piece, then some more of the coconut on top again. 
Put in the freezer to "cook"
Very good