onsdag 31. juli 2013

Trip home, sugary foods ouch

So went for a trip back home to Kvam today, as my cousin is down from Andøya and we have not really seen each others in years, except half an hour meeting on the road two years ago. 
So was nice to see her and her family again :)

But as always when on the road the food gets a bit messed up.
Got some gluten free chocolate chips cookies for Jonas as I knew that visiting people we would be offered cakes and stuff with gluten, so at least he had a treat. But mommy could not stay away either. And also had some Norwegian kransekake, made from almonds, sugar and eggwhite. Dried mangoes ( with sugar ) was also on the treat list.
Anyways, I should know by now that my body just ends up feeling like crap after. 
Headache, a bit nausea, some joint pain and major upset stomach. No fun.
Headache being the biggest thing I can feel now.

Now ever had some nice salad burgers when we got back home :) YUM!

Jonas and Trude

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