torsdag 4. juli 2013

Blogging from the tramploline, what a good day

Started my morning with a wicked work out. Thanks to a wicked work out parter :)
Good day at work, although we all somewhat would rather do something else than work, I have to say I am pretty lucky with my job, creat colleagues and customers.

More great news: Was listening to Robb Wolf's podcast today, someone had sent him a letter asking what they could do to help. 
He said, write a blog or something!! Send it to me! Would love to hear it. Not the exact words but in those lines.
So I desired to send him a PM on Facebook. Telling him my story. Telling Carmen's story.
Two hour later I received a friend request from Robb Wolf.
To me that is pretty big!! And I also got a private message from him. Just a little, hello and thank you for sharing. Made my day that's for sure.
Also went to the farm today got some raw milk. Don't know what to do with it yet. Must study!!
With it we also got some nice fresh fish from the Nordic Sea. YUM!!

For dinner Eric made us cod with fried onions, carrots and rice. Had only about two table spoons of rice, wanna fill my tummy with the yummy nutritious foods.

Have some new exiting plans/projects in the next couple of months. Crossing my finger for good times:)


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