tirsdag 2. juli 2013

Future meal prep, introducing liver

To day I went out and got everything I needed for my weekly meal prep.
New thing I'm gonna try to do.
Once a week make one big meal that we can freeze and take up later, you know those days when you just done feel like cooking at all!!! 
Life gets busy and it is so easy to go and grap something that will be fast and easy to make. And so not good for us!

So as I'm trying to introduce liver to my diet, I put chicken, beef and pork in. And only a tiny amount of liver (about 10%)

For a gravy/sauce  trying out something new today, mixed up avocado and zucchini with gluten free soy sauce in a blender. 
Jonas does not like either but now he will eat it in the food not knowing.
The blender is a fantastic thing ;)

For veggies I put in :
Onions and garlic

A salad could be served on the side. Or just eat it like that 

In the background of the bottom picture you see two sausages bought from a vender outside of my work, these two were the only two without any preservatives and nitrites. All natural 
One with beef and internal organs
And one with moose internal organs and cognac this one is my favorite for sure.


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