torsdag 5. februar 2015


So trying to figure out what to do about deodorants?
I train... I sweat... Normal
Ive always used what ever deodorant... with aluminium.
But the last few years I've been trying to find an alternative as I do not like the stories about aluminium.
I have not really found an alternative that does it for me.
I find that the natural ones last for very short time and then for some reason, it seems like I smell more after a few hours with a natural one, than not using any at all. Also I often find that they leave stains and leaves a smell on the clothes. Even after they are washed.
For smell and less sweating its the antiperspirants that work, but I have been steering away from them  for different reasons.
Aluminium and Alzheimer?
Aluminuim and Cancer?
With breastfeeding its also pretty close to babies mouth and nose, so that is actuarially my biggest, why i'm not going for that one.

Any one else got any opinions about this? Anyone found a good alternative?
I've also tried to just use the coconut oil... where i also add my own oils, like lavender and tea tree
It works..but still i'm hunting for something else...

Some of the different selections found in my house. Not all mine tho.

4 kommentarer:

  1. Jeg jaktet leeenge før jeg fant en aluminiumsfri deodorant som funket. Deodoranten fra Salubritas (jeg har den uten essensielle oljer) er den beste jeg har funnet. Bestiller på nett.

    1. Tusen takk ,den skal jeg se nermere inpå :)

  2. L'occitane has a good one. Keeps the stench at bay. But sweaty does one get, yes, after intensely killing it at the gym.

  3. L'occitane has a good one. Keeps the stench at bay. But sweaty does one get, yes, after intensely killing it at the gym.
